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Jobs List

Better Evidence for Better Healthcare

There are many problems in EBM, but also many solutions. Some ideas have been tried before; some will be completely new. As part of the EBM Manifesto  we are asking you to help us write the jobs list: to fix the problems in EBM. Is there something journal editors should do? Is there something funders should do? Is there something researchers should do? Tell us! We are running a live consultation at Evidence Live. You can also write your suggestions through the online form on this page. All contributions will be shared openly online.


    Who is this job for?

    (Journal editors, funders, academics, patient groups, or anyone you care to mention)

    What problem are you aiming to fix?

    (Non-publication of clinical trials? Trials measuring irrelevant outcomes? Conflict of interest? Or anything you care to mention)

    What has been tried before? What happened?

    (We want to know about any current, or previous efforts; and any successes, or failures)

    What is your suggestion?

    (“Journal editors should red-flag any unregistered trials they publish”; “Funders should publish an annual audit of whether their funded trials are registered, and reported”. Or anything you care to mention. Feel free to write at length, or briefly!)

    How will we measure success?

    (If this intervention is practical, we should be able to measure success. How can we do this?)

    Who are you?

    (Tell us anything you care to share: ideally your name, job / role, and email address)


    2017 Highlights