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Conflicts of Interest: Better Evidence for Better HealthCare Manifesto

Conflicts of Interests:

All the authors of the current draft recognise they have both academic and financial conflicts of interest that inform this manifesto. Academically, all of the authors strongly believe  that improving the quality of evidence, its transparency, involving patients and improving the communication of research is essential for providing informed treatment decisions. Financially, both the BMJ and CEBM run a non-profit conference (EvidenceLive)  together that will focus on the issue of better evidence for better health. Our respective institutions do research, education and publish in  many of the areas outlined in the manifesto. In addition, individually we do media work, books, training events and talks. We consider all of these  conflicts therefore may have biased our opinions in setting out this initial draft, and therefore we want as wide a range of input to offset our preconceptions.

Current Authors. Oct 2016

Carl Heneghan, Kamal Mahtani, Ben Goldacre. CEBM  Fiona Godlee, Helen MacDonald. BMJ  Rosamund Snow BMJ patient editor.

2017 Highlights